©Everything Gameplay Film David OReilly.

©Everything Gameplay Film David OReilly.

Filmnight #4: Working Systems

May 28th, 2019, 18:30 - 21:00

Film program
A place I’ve never been, Adrian Flury, Switzerland, 2015, 5 min
Circuit, Delia Hess, Switzerland, 2018, 8 min
Everything | Gameplay Film, David O’Reilly, Ireland, 2017, 10 min 36
Deployments, Stéphanie Lagarde, France, 2018, 16 min 14
Off Ground, Boudewijn Koole, Netherlands, 2013, 15 min
Los Que Desean, Elena López Riera, Switzerland/Spain, 2018, 24 min

Chantal Molleur, White Frame

Screening Venue
Kunsthaus Baselland

Accompanying the Kunsthaus Baselland 2019 annual program, Chantal Molleur from White Frame will curate three extensive evening film screenings inspired by the exhibitions, enabling further reflection on these subjects through selected international and national short films and videos. This second screening called Working Systems, will take place on May 28th during the exhibition of Simone Forti 17.5 - 7.07.2019.

’Our filmnight #4 proposition extrapolates Simone Forti’s interest in utilizing the body as a compass and as an instrument of information to experiment the world. ‘Working systems’ will focus on some of our unifying connections taking example for instance from our biological machines wired to function within a complex system that permits our ‘selves’ to live our different human conditions.’

With the friendly support from kulturelles.bl and the Mary & Ewald E. Bertschmann-Stiftung